Our tiny, family shop opened 20 years ago and very soon became absolutely packed to the rafters with wooden Buddhas, incense, seashells, fairies, pagan greeting cards, skulls... you name it and you could find it in our shop! After 5 years we moved next door into a shop that was twice the size but after another 9 years this too had become full, this time with textiles, rugs, cushions and a few clothes! We decided to set up our own website.
In 2016 we moved into our present shop, 3 times the size of our last shop and hopefully our last move! Gone are the seashells (Much to Teresa's sorrow who loved them and had become quite knowledgeable about all things mollusc!) In their place Teresa and Steve's eldest son, Kai, has set up his leather making workshop Aeon Leather (aeonleather.co.uk) making to order anything from belts to chokers and anything in between. He is also in charge of the Steampunk section, see his website for details!
Joss, number 2 son (!) returning from London, has taken over the organisation of the shop, helping to run it and sourcing new products. The skull range has extended and now includes children's items, the textiles also include vintage pieces from Pakistan and Afghanistan and because of the huge extra space we now have, we can display lots more rugs, blankets, throws and cushions. We have been able to stock more cards from a growing number of brilliant Artists and will be adding more and more artists to our range as we go on!
Our little family business has gone from strength to strength but our love fot the things we sell is still growing and Teresa still takes home nearly as much as she sells! She will never make a business woman! And of course we still hold true, support and stock only Fair Trade enterprises and items!
CONTACT US: bridbeachcomber@btinternet.com